



Is it a code smell to have to following pattern, given the following code (highly simplified to get straight to the point) ?

The models :

class Product
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Category Cat { get; set; }

class Category
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Label { get; set; }

The view to edit a Product :

<% =Html.EditorFor( x => x.Name ) %>
<% =Html.EditorFor( x => x.Category ) %>

The EditorTemplate for Category

<% =Html.DropDownList<Category>() %>

The HtmlHelper method

public static MvcHtmlString DropDownList<TEntity>(this HtmlHelper helper)
    where TEntity : Entity
    var selectList = new SelectList(
        "Id", "Label");

    return SelectExtensions.DropDownList(helper, "List", selectList, null, null);

For information, the real implementation of the helper method takes some lambdas to get the DataTextField and DataValueField names, the selected value, etc.

The point that bothers me is using a servicelocator inside the HtmlHelper. I think I should have a AllCategories property in my Product model, but I would need to be populated in the controller every time I need it.

So I think the solution I'm using is more straightforward, as the helper method is generic (and so is the modelbinder, not included here). So I just have to create an EditorTemplate for each type that needs a DropDownList.

Any advice ?


advice: look at the mvc sample application from here: good luck ;)

This is how ValueInjecter's Sample Application could get the dropdowns: (but it doesn't right now cuz I'm ok with the Resolve thing)

public class CountryToLookup : LoopValueInjection<Country, object>
    ICountryRepo _repo;

    public CountryToLookup(ICountryRepository repo)
        _repo = repo;

    protected override object SetValue(Country sourcePropertyValue)
        var value = sourcePropertyValue ?? new Country();
        var countries = _repo.GetAll().ToArray();
                o => new SelectListItem
                             Text = o.Name,
                             Value = o.Id.ToString(),
                             Selected = value.Id == o.Id
How does ValueInjector pertain to this question?
@jfar I was talking about the sample application, which is made on and has lots of dropdwons
@Omu, doesn't every app have a lot of dropdowns? ;)
@jfar try looking for them in NerdDinner or CodeCampServer
@Omu, when the questioner asks about service location, and then you refer to a sample project in which dropdown "fill" is done via hard coded dependencies then you are missing the point. Furthermore, if you replaced the call to CountryRepository() with ServiceLocator.GetInstance<SomethingGivingMe<TEntity>>().GetAll() you'd have the same exact code with the same scattered service location problems. The ValueInjector sample code has the same service location issues that the questioner has. Your answering a question with another example of the problem the questioner trying to solve.
actually I don't think this is a problem, and you could also not use resolve and do like this `viewmodel.InjectFrom(new CountryToLookupInjection(countrRepo), entity)` this way you will use an implementation of the ICountryRepository which was injected in the constructor of the controller or any other class where you do this injection
@jfar I've edited the question, you can look again

IMHO I'd leave it the way it is, have the same thing in another project.

BUT the service location bothered me as well so for another project I made this part of an ActionFilter which scans a model, finds all the anticipated dropdowns and does a batch load into ViewData. Since the ServiceLocator or Repository/Context/whatever is already injected into the Controller you don't have to spread your service location all over the place.

public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
    foreach( var anticipated in SomeDetectionMethod() )
          var selectList = new SelectList(
    "Id", "Label");

         ViewData["SelectList." + anticipated.Label/Name/Description"] = selectList;

In the view you can then make a helper to load up those dropdowns via a custom editor template or other method.

Idea seems nice, just needs a bit of infrastructure code. Why the downvotes ?
Wow. Everybody I've showed this technique too is amazed with it. I'm not sure what the problem is here.