Is there any way to obtain Unix Time with nanoseconds with strftime in bash?
My line for unix time :
<command> | awk '{ print strftime("%s"), $0; }'
I cannot use date +%N because date is only evaluated once.
Is there any work around?
Is there any way to obtain Unix Time with nanoseconds with strftime in bash?
My line for unix time :
<command> | awk '{ print strftime("%s"), $0; }'
I cannot use date +%N because date is only evaluated once.
Is there any work around?
You could still use date
ls | xargs -IQ date "+%s.%N Q"
Just do not have % in your output... (but you can work around that too)
I found a workaround using while read. date gets updated that way. No need for strftime.
<command> | while read line; do d=`date +%s%N`; echo $d $line; done