hey guys, i got this code from http://www.evolt.org/node/60276 and modified it to listen for a single "1" coming from the other side
but whenever i run this program it stops and python IDLE goes to non-responding on "data1,addr = UDPSock.recvfrom(1024)"
def get1():
# Server program, receives 1 if ball found
# ff1 is file w/ received data
import socket
import time
# Set the socket parameters
host = "mysystem"
port = 21567
#buf = 1024
addr = (host,port)
# Create socket (UDP) and bind to address
UDPSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# Receive messages
while 1:
print "waiting..............."
data1,addr = UDPSock.recvfrom(1024)
print "got 1"
if not data1:
print "Client has exited!"
print "\nReceived message '", data1,"'"
UDPSock.close() # Close socket
print "socket closed\n"
#call some other function that uses 1
and client side
def send1():
# Client program, sends 1 if ball found
# mf1 is file with data to be sent
import socket
# Set the socket parameters
host = "mysystem"
port = 21567
buf = 1024
addr = (host,port)
# Create socket (UDP)
UDPSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
print mf1
# Send messages
print "Sending message '",str(mf1),"'....."
# Close socket
does anyone know what might be the cause of this? (sorry for long post)