I have a small problem with my PHP pagination, I have 6 records and I display 2 at a time, when I click on next and it displays from 2 to 4 records, that works fine, But to display from 4 to 6 records, that does not work. I am not sure what im doing wrong. Anyone have any ideas ? the problem is to do with the calculation for the Next records to be displayed
$per_page = 2;
$start = $_GET['start'];
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Directory");
$record_count = mysql_num_rows($query);
$record_count = round($record_count / $per_page);
if(!$start) {
$start = 0;
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Directory LIMIT $start,$per_page") or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_num_rows($query);
// Output Records here
// Setup next and previous button variables
$prev = $start - $per_page;
$next = $start + $per_page;
echo '<p> <h4>';
if($prev < 0) {
echo 'Previous';
} else {
echo '<a href="directory.php?start='.$prev.'>Previous</a>';
echo ' ' . $start . ' of ' . $record_count;
if($next < $record_count) {
echo ' <a href="directory.php?start='.$next.'>Next</a>';
} else {
echo ' Next';
echo '</h4> </p>';