



Hi, how does one go about accessing a decorator from a base class in a child?

I assumed (wrongly) that the ffg. would work:

class baseclass(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print 'hey this is the base'

    def _deco(func):
        def wrapper(*arg):
            res = func(*arg)
            print 'I\'m a decorator. This is fabulous, but that colour, so last season sweetiedarling'
            return res
        return wrapper

    def basefunc(self):
        print 'I\'m a base function'

This class works fine, but then I create a child class inheriting from this:

class otherclass(baseclass):
    def __init__(self):
        super(otherclass, self).__init__()
        print 'other class'

    def meh(self):
        print 'I\'m a function'

This won't even import properly, let alone run. @_deco is undefined. Trying baseclass._deco throws an unbound method _deco() error, which isn't really surprising.

Any idea how to do this, I'd really like to encapsulate the decorator in the class, but I'm not married to the idea and I'd need to call it in the base & the child class.

+1  A: 
class baseclass(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print 'hey this is the base'

    def _deco(func):
        def wrapper(*arg):
            res = func(*arg)
            print 'I\'m a decorator. This is fabulous, but that colour, so last season sweetiedarling'
            return res
        return wrapper

    def basefunc(self):
        print 'I\'m a base function'

    def basefunc2(self):
        print "I'm another base function"

   #no more uses of _deco in this class
    _deco = staticmethod(_deco) 
   # this is the key. it must be executed after all of the uses of _deco in 
   # the base class. this way _deco is some sort weird internal function that 
   # can be called from within the class namespace while said namespace is being 
   # created and a proper static method for subclasses or external callers.

class otherclass(baseclass):
    def __init__(self):
        super(otherclass, self).__init__()
        print 'other class'

    def meh(self):
        print 'I\'m a function'
+1; much better than my answer (now deleted).
Adam Bernier
Fabulous, I'll have some of that, that is just so in this season, sweetiedarling.(I thought I'd just go with the theme.)