




Current project involves a series of PDFs in various sizes. Each PDF has a place for a logo. There are 50 or so possible logos. They are a consistent size, and, regardless of which PDF size, the logo does not need to be resized, just placed. The client currently just has a few PDFs but will be adding more on a regular basis.

I am looking for a clean ASP.NET solution where the logos are assigned to users. When a registered user selects a PDF, it is displayed to them with the assigned logo in place and can be saved and/or printed.

+2  A: 

ITextSharp can do the pdf stamping for you. It is a .net library.

Will Rickards
iTextSharp seems to be lacking in documentation. Since I'm not a C# or Java master, I need lots of samples and documentation... or to contract this out to someone with this sort of expertise.
+1 for this, and I think I've seen samples of stamping in this site somewhere: http://www.lowagie.com/itextwiki/doku.php/forms:learningagreement?s=add%20pdf%20attachment
but you're right, the documentation isn't great and the API is ... odd from a C# perspective
+1  A: 

i have used pdfKit.net from TallComponents before and have used it for many projects. Good documentation provided and good support as well. Cost is very high though, and from your requirements you dont need something so advanced. However if cost is not an issue, then i highly recommend it.


Have a look at this discussion on the PDF Sharp forum.
PDFSharp is an Open Source PDF manipulation library.
I've used it and it's pretty simple an neat (have a look at their samples projects, they even have one for ASP.Net).

It can do some very limited rendering as well but you'd probably be better off using Ghostscript, but beware that it is released under the GPL.
There are some projects on CodeProject that sow you how.

Renaud Bompuis