



Hi, I have installed Firebird 2.1 on windows Xp and using firebirdsql.jdbc-2.1.6 driver to connect with java. Code:


connection = DriverManager.getConnection(

I am getting following error:

Caused by: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375.
unavailable database 
Reason: unavailable database at 
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDataSource.getConnection( at 
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver.connect( at 
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at 

Please help.

Problem solved: Actually I had problem with jar file that I got from

I downloaded jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar from firebird offical website and problem got solved.

Correct URL is


I tried this URL earlier also but it was not working beacuse of jar issue.


Your URL is most likely broken for this driver.

Attach actual source to the jar and set a breakpoint in FBDataSource.getConnection(...) and see what values are actually present when the connection is attempted made.

Are you absolutely certain that the combination of a hostname with port agrees with a path to the FDB-file?

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
I am absolutley sure about connection parameters along with the path of FDB file.

As @Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen observes, your Jaybird JDBC URL is incorrect. The syntax is jdbc:firebirdsql:[host[/port]:]<database>. You need a colon between the host/port and the database path. Perhaps something like this:


Oops, I left in the leading slashes; try this:


Addendum: You might run through the common errors list. Also, my firebird database files end in .fdb, but the FAQ mentions .gdb. It can't hurt to check.

I have tried all the options including url specified by you..nothing is working..
Is Firebird running on port 3050? Can you connect by any other means, e.g. isql or a GUI client?
I can connect with isql and is running on 3050 port..I have tried creating a new database..switching off windows firewall..copying dll's in system 32 (as specified on firebird support group)..
@rakesh-nitj: I corrected the URL above.
@trashgod: Thanks for your response but still I am getting same exception..
@rakesh-nitj: Sorry, I'm running low on fresh ideas; more above.
@trashgod:tried .gdb databases as well..anyways posted this question in firebird-java-support group..thanks for your time and efforts!
@rakesh-nitj: I'd like to hear how the problem gets resolved.
@trashgod:Problem got solved. Please see the updates above. Thanks for your assistance.
@rakesh-nitj: Thanks for updating your question.
@Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen: Sorry about misspelling your name. :-)