



On both M3 and M4 releases of JBoss 6, all redirected commons-logging outputs seem to ignore logger level configuration in jboss-logging.xml.

For example, I get TRACE and DEBUG output from org.apache.commons.httpclient and com.ocpsoft.pretty, even if I set up logger levels in jboss-logging.xml to put those packages to ERROR.

jboss-logging.xml configuration works great for anything logging via log4j, slf4j, or jul.... just not for the jcl stuff.

excerpt from jboss-logging.xml:

<logger category="org.apache">
    <level name="ERROR"/>

<logger category="com.ocpsoft">
    <level name="ERROR"/>

Still see junk like this:

2010-08-06 13:13:18,605 DEBUG [com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyFilter] Character encoding: null
2010-08-06 13:13:18,607 TRACE [com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyContext] PrettyContext not found in Request - building new instance
2010-08-06 13:10:57,797 TRACE [org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection] enter HttpConnection.close()