



I am using JAXB (EclipseLink implementation) in a JAX-RS webservice. When an empty element is passed in the XML request an empty object is created. Is it possible to set JAXB to create a null object instead?

Example XML:

    <EntityOne id="objectID" />
    <EntityTwo />

When unmarshalling, an instance of EntityOne is created and the id attribute set to "objectID" and an instance of EntityTwo is created with null attributes. Instead I would like a null object for EntityTwo as having an empty object is causing me problems with JPA persistence operations.


You can specify this behaviour using MOXy's NullPolicy. You will need to create a DescriptorCustomizer to modify the underlying mappings. Don't worry it's easier than it sounds, I'll demonstrate below:

import org.eclipse.persistence.config.DescriptorCustomizer;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeObjectMapping;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.nullpolicy.XMLNullRepresentationType;

public class RootEntityCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {

    public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {
        XMLCompositeObjectMapping entityTwoMapping = (XMLCompositeObjectMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("entityTwo");



Below is how you associate the customizer with your model class:

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;

import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.annotations.XmlCustomizer;

public class RootEntity {

    private String attributeOne;
    private Entity entityOne;
    private Entity entityTwo;

    public String getAttributeOne() {
        return attributeOne;

    public void setAttributeOne(String attributeOne) {
        this.attributeOne = attributeOne;

    public Entity getEntityOne() {
        return entityOne;

    public void setEntityOne(Entity entityOne) {
        this.entityOne = entityOne;

    public Entity getEntityTwo() {
        return entityTwo;

    public void setEntityTwo(Entity entityTwo) {
        this.entityTwo = entityTwo;


In the next version of MOXy (2.2) you will be able to do this via annotations.

public Entity getEntityTwo() {
    return entityTwo;

You can try this now with one of the EclipseLink 2.2.0 nightly builds:

Blaise Doughan
I am using EclipseLink 2.2.0, so added the annotations to my class. Unfortunately it has the behaviour of setting an element to null when it is empty but has a property defined. For example EntityOne in the above example is now returning a null object. Is this the expected behaviour?
This is a bug, see . We will get a fix in this week. To see the correct behaviour you could make the id property on Entity an element instead of an attribute.
Blaise Doughan
I had changed from attributes to properties and it means a little more verbose XML, but it works. Thanks!
As promised the attribute fix is available in EclipseLink 2.2.0 starting with the Aug 12 nightly drop available at
Blaise Doughan