Problem definition.
I have multiple clients with multiple users. Each client needs to be able to associate custom data with a user, search, and order by.
Database Solution:
A table Customfields which defines the customfields table. It has an id and name. It has a has_many relationship with a Userfields table (aka "attributes").
The Userfields table has a userid, customfieldid, content and id. It belongs_to a Useraccounts table (aka "useraccount") and Customfields (aka "customfield")
Proposed select statement that I want:
This is a select statement that achieves and produces what I need.
SELECT ua.*, (
SELECT content FROM Userfields uf
INNER JOIN Customfields cf
ON = uf.customfieldid
WHERE = 'Mothers birthdate'
AND uf.uid=ua.uid
) AS 'Mothers birthdate',
SELECT content FROM Userfields uf
INNER JOIN Customfields cf
ON = uf.customfieldid
WHERE = 'Join Date' AND
) AS 'Join Date'
FROM UserAccounts ua
ORDER BY 'Mothers birthdate';
In this case their could be anything from 0 ... x sub select statements in the select statement and any one of them or none of them could be wanting to be ordered by.
How do I achieve this with a ->search on my dbix class resultset or how do I achieve the same result with a search on my dbix class resultset?
Here is how I usually select from my Useraccounts table, although I am unsure how to do the complex statement that I want to from here.
my @users = $db->resultset('Useraccounts')->search(
page => $page,
join => 'attributes',
Thanks for your time.