




I designed a widget and successful using "setOnClickPendingIntent" to active the click event, but I want to start other application witch is install in my Android phone (such as Google Map), how can I using in this following command?

if (intent.getAction().equals(ACTION_WIDGET_CLICK)) { .... }

Beside that, My widget is a clock widget, I want to click a button to start the "system clock page" and click the date to the system Calendar. How can I make it? many thanks!


I want to start other application

There is no such concept in Android. You can start an activity via startActivity(), if there is a documented and supported Intent you can use to get to the activity you wish.

My widget is a clock widget, I want to click a button to start the "system clock page" and click the date to the system Calendar.

There is no "system Calendar" in Android. There is a Google Calendar client that is part of the Android open source project and exists on some phones, but it is not part of the Android SDK.


Thank you for your reply. For the apps called "Beautiful Widget", it can customize when user tapping the widget time it can go to "Clock" application in menu page. How it works?

Here is the apps link: http://www.androlib.com/android.application.com-levelup-beautifulwidgets-jtDA.aspx
