



Hi, I'm developing a driver in Windows Filtering Platform and I need the process ID of another process to do what I need to do. I know only the file name of that process (name.exe).

In win32 I could use the function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to get the list of all processes and I could search the PID there. ( )

Unfortunately in kernel mode this stuff is not available. Anyone know how can I obtain the processID knowing only the binary name, by kernel space?

Thanks, Marco


Depending on the timing, it seems that you could call PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx() with your own handler for CreateProcessNotifyEx(). Your CreateProcessNotifyEx() will then receive a pointer to a PS_CREATE_NOTIFY_INFO. In this struct is the field ImageFileName and also the bit FileOpenNameAvailable.

The program name will be in the Unicode string pointed to by ImageFileName. If FileOpenNameAvailable, then that string will contain the fully-qualified path to the binary. Otherwise, expect to find only the module name, possibly without the extension.

Heath Hunnicutt
Thanks for your reply!According with MSDN: "The PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx routine registers or removes a callback routine that notifies the caller when a process is created or exits."So unfortunately it doesn't seem what I need.I need to know the process that already are running because my driver are loaded after the application starts.
@Marco, you are welcome. Yes, that is what I wondered with "depending on the timing..." Sorry that doesn't work for you...If I remember right, the PEB has a double-linked list in it somewhere, and from that you can get to all the PEBs on the system.
Heath Hunnicutt