




is it possible to convert their method to scrum in a small concern

+10  A: 

Two best practices of Scrum are :

  • Grouping your staff in small teams.

  • Keeping communication quick and efficient (especially meetings).

So yeah, definitely, Scrum fit a small organization. In fact, as a small organization, you need less REorganization to start applying scrum !

whole-heartedly agree: scrum for large organisations is really a matter of breaking yourself into lots of small organisations
+1  A: 

Yes, but...

A problem I've encountered with Scrum in a small organization, is that the Product Owner was frequently unavailable (due to having lots of other responsibilities as well).

Needless to say, this can severely affect your agility. If you want to apply Scrum in such a situation, be sure to clearly communicate that the role of Product Owner is a time-consuming one.


There are certainly some aspects of scrum that only apply to large teams but it can work in smaller teams too.

Like many things, it's a case of just taking what works for your company or team rather than blindly following all of it because "that's what you do".

I've seen it work very successfully with 1 developer and a 3 week budget just by cutting it down and adjusting it to only the ideas that are relevant to that size project. Not sure if that still counts as scrum but it worked.

Ultimately, any project management plan is better than none and the sooner you realise there is a problem the less impact it will have.

+2  A: 

You can even do scrum alone, it's called "Solo Scrum".

+1  A: 

No problem. My experience is that even large company decides to move to an agile (scrum) they are starting with Scrum in small team - as "a proof of concept".

For example, we started as 2 developers and moved to Scrum with more than 20 developers, 4 teams and 3 separated projects.

Dusan Kocurek