Hi, I'm looking for a simple (small) opensource project in erlang, from which I can learn.
I've already found a promising looking one: http://github.com/mochi/mochiweb
Can you guys suggest more? Thanks!
Hi, I'm looking for a simple (small) opensource project in erlang, from which I can learn.
I've already found a promising looking one: http://github.com/mochi/mochiweb
Can you guys suggest more? Thanks!
With Erlang being the insanely productive language that it is, most projects are small. RabbitMQ, a full-featured and robust message queue engine, weighs in at under 8 kSLOC, and Disco, a distributed computation engine is under 2 kSLOC of Erlang, according to their FAQ (the source tree is about 10 kSLOC, but includes third-party stuff like MochiWeb).
You may want to check some Basho libs like Bitcask, Riak_Core and Rebar. Bitcask is especially interesting as it interfaces with a tiny bit of C code so you can learn that as well.
Then you may also check some client libraries to databases such as CouchBeam, riak-erlang-client and erldis.
All of these have nice code and are manageable in size. Later you can check some larger code bases such as Nitrogen and ErlyVideo.
You could also look at some libraries, e.g. http://github.com/erlang/otp/tree/dev/lib/stdlib/src/ and http://github.com/joearms/elib1/tree/master/lib/src/