I have this for navigation, and when I switch to page 2, it will lose the &type= Let's say I select "checked", the first page it shows fine, as it het the whole string, but when I switch pages it loses... here's the code:
// navigation
if($_GET['start'] && is_numeric($_GET['start']))
else $start=0;
$navigation[]='<span class="navi navi_current"> -'.$info['curpage'].'- </span>'."\n";
array_push($navigation,'<span class="navi"> <a href="./?q='.$_GET['q'].'&start='.$inc.'"&type='.$_GET['type'].'>'.$incp.'</a> </span> '."\n");
array_unshift($navigation,'<span class="navi"> <a href="./?q='.$_GET['q'].'&start='.$dec.'">'.$decp.'</a> </span> '."\n");
if($tcnt>=10) break;
// end navigation
I've tried adding &type='.$_GET['type']. to the array_unshift, but it doesn't work.. any help will be appreciated! thanks.