I am looking for a message/queuing solution for my web based system running on Ubuntu.
The system was built on the following technologies:
- Javascript (Extjs framework) - Frontend
- Python (Daemon service which interacts with the encryption device)
- Python pyserial - (Serial port interactions)
- Linux - Ccustom bash scripts(to update DB/mail reports)
The system serves the following purpose:
- Capture client information on a distributed platform
- Encrypt/decrypt sensitive transactions using a Hardware device
System breakdown:
- The user gains access to the system using a web browser
- The user captures client information and on pressing "submit" button The data is sent to the encryption device and the system enters a wait state
- The data is then encrypted on the device and sent back to the browser
- The encrypted data is saved to the DB
- System exits wait state and displays DONE message
Please note: I have already taken care of waiting/progress messages so lets omit that.
What I have done so far:
- I created a python daemon which monitors a DB view for any new requests
- The daemon service executes new requests on the device using pyserial and updates the requests table with a "response" ie. the encrypted content
- I created a polling service in PHP which frequently checks if there is a "response" in >the requests table for the specific request
- Created the Extjs frontend with appropriate wait/done status messages
The problem with the current setup:
- Concurreny - We expect > 20 users at any time submitting encryption/decryption requests using a database as a message/queuing solution is not scalable due to table locking and only 1 listening process which monitors for requests
- Daemon service - Relying on a daemon service is a bit risky and the DB overhead seems a bit high polling the view for new requests every second
- Development - It would simplify my development tasks by just sending requests to a encrypt/decrypt service instead of doing this whole process of inserting a request in the db,polling for the response and processing the request in the daemon service.
My Question:
What would be the ideal message/queening solution in this situation? Please take into >account my system exclusively runs on a Ubuntu O/S.
I have done a few Google services and came accross something called a "Stomp" server but it prove somewhat difficult to setup and lacked some documentation. Also I prefer the advice from individuals who have some experience in setting up something like this instead of some "how to" guide :)
Thank You for your time