




I used Xampp 1.7.3 and (mod) xdebug to profile the latest Wordpress 3.0.1 release on a Windows 7 machine.

The average loadtime during tests was arround 835 milliseconds calling 697 functions and performing 15 mysql queries.

I used the default theme twentyten.

Now my question: Can someone validate my results or is my local setup "broken" for unknow reasons!? Need to know others result before I can write / publish the article in my blog.

Thank you guys


Results are totally dependent on the machine you are running (ie: hardware, other processes running at the same time). We can't tell much from the results.

Best you can do is follow their installation instructions. If it works, it works.
There's no reason for you to try and "fix" the code. Leave that to the Wordpress developers.

I do not want to fix something^^ Just validate my results with other people's experience, before I publish my "maby wrong" benchmarks.
@Thom We can't be very helpful; after all you are the one doing the benchmarks. Just make sure that your installation is correct and that you are using the exact same setup for whatever you are benchmarking against. This also means ensuring the processes running on the background remain the same between benchmarks.