- A Convert button with a Click event handler that accepts an integer from the user (use a textbox for the input), stores the value in an integer variable named seconds, and passes that value to the two methods described below.
The first method will have one integer argument and it will return a string. The method will take the integer value, convert it to minutes and seconds, use those values to create an output string, and return the output string. As an example, if the user enters 66 seconds, the the returned message would be "66 seconds is 1 minute and 6 seconds".
The second method will take the original input, convert it to the appropriate hours, minutes and seconds; use those values to create an output string, and return the output string. As an example, if the user enters 3666 seconds, the returned message would be "3666 seconds is 1 hour, 1 minute and 6 seconds". Or, for the first same value above it would be "66 seconds is 0 hours, 1 minute and 6 seconds". When the output strings are returned, the event handler for the Convert button will display the output in separate labels.