i want to adjust the volume programatically like Get/SetMasterVolume in vista and xp? using mmsystem unit?
Here's the implementation of a general purpose api for audio: MMDevApi
and an example with a button
Sebastian Oliva
2010-08-09 02:56:15
it works with vista but it dosnt work on xp
2010-08-09 08:06:02
sorry, I could not find a version that works on XP without SP3; maybe http://delphi.about.com/cs/adptips2000/a/bltip0800_4.htm or http://www.torry.net/vcl/sound/mixer/amixer.zip or http://www.area-6.co.uk/delphihard.htm
Sebastian Oliva
2010-08-11 06:49:03