




Hi: I want use the mvc in my swing application,however I am counfing after reading some ariticls: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/javase/mvc-136693.html This is the first paper I read, and I think it is clear enough.

However when I start my own work, I do not know how to start.

How to decide the number of the view. controller? Also it seems that the Model like a javabean. Isn't it?

For my case:

I shoudl build a Dialog, it have three main part:

The left:

1)a scroll panel to display some symbols from the symbol repository).

The right:

2)a preview to show a default symbol

3)a controller panel which contain some components to change the attribute of the symbol in the Preview panel.

for example, there is a JSpinner to modify the symbol size, when its valuse is changed by user, the Preview panel should udpate and repaint the new symbol.

Also when user click a symbol in the left, the preview panel and controller should change according to the attribute of the symbol.

Now,in my opinion, the symbol is a model. THis dialog is a view, I should create a new controller to handle the action event from user. However the Preview panel(2) and the controller panel(3) should share a same symbol,so the Preview and the controller panel should be two views in term of the symbol(model).

So I am confusing, anyone can give me some points?