Should I write unit tests for my associations?
I haven't found many good resources on how and whether to do the testing. I also see/hear some opinion that it is okay to not test your associations (belongs_to and has_many) as they are already tested in rails. And there is another view that says, if it code you write, it is code you test.
So if you say I should, please tell me few good ways of doing this. Currently, I'm writing tests using Test::Unit and I'm not using Shoulda (I don't have any macros). So for testing each association, I am creating a bunch of objects and then doing asserts on them. Somewhat like this -
For a Post model that has_many comments, my test logic goes this way -
p = Post.create(:title => 'dummy_title', :content => 'lorem ...')
3.times{ Comment.create(:post_id :=>, :commentor => 'jack')}
assert_equal(3, p.comments.size, "post doesn't have correct no of comments")