I have basic stored procedure that performs a full text search against 3 columns in a table by passing in a @Keyword parameter. It works fine with one word but falls over when I try pass in more than one word. I'm not sure why. The error says:
Syntax error near 'search item' in the full-text search condition 'this is a search item'
SELECT S.[SeriesID],
S.[Name] as 'SeriesName',
FROM [Series] S
INNER JOIN [PackageSeries] PS
ON S.[SeriesID] = PS.[PackageID]
INNER JOIN [Package] P
ON PS.[PackageID] = P.[PackageID]
WHERE CONTAINS ((S.[Name],S.[Description], S.[Keywords]),@Keywords)
AND (S.[IsActive] = 1) AND (P.[IsActive] = 1) ORDER BY [Name] ASC