I'd like to add a click handler for a button using jQuery, but the handler needs to reference data supplied by the controller. Is there a way to access ViewData in a script block in ASP.NET MVC? Or do I need to construct the script in the controller?
If the script block is within the ASP.NET page then you can reference it...
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
rules: {
title: {
required: true,
remote: '<%=Url.Action("ValidateGroupName", new { id = ViewData["GroupId"] }) %>?parentId=' + getParentId()
messages: {
title: {
required: getMessage (7002),
remote: '<%= ((MessagingModel)ViewData["Messages"]).GetMessage (9001) %>'
When the page is processed by the runtime engine, everything within the <% ... %> blocks is evaluated, regardless of it's location in the page.
2008-12-05 16:10:52
Do you get Intellisense when you do this?
2008-12-05 16:14:44
Unfortunately no, VS reads it as part of the string, at least in the sample above ):
2008-12-05 16:16:46
VS 2008 Gives you intellisense on your aspx pages.
Darryl Braaten
2008-12-05 16:36:20
I'm not getting intellisense either inside a script block or inside an HTML tag.
2008-12-05 16:44:32
I don't get Intellisense when its inside a script block. For scenarios like above ill create the tag outside the script block for intellisense and then copy'n'paste it into the script tag area. Kinda clunky.
Todd Smith
2008-12-05 16:55:14