It looks like there is no way to set the date format for this view other than by setting the JVM locale in which Eclipse runs. But for many locales you have to set the language AND country. The following entries to eclipse.ini produce the desired result of yyyy-mm-dd HH.MM
You can select a date format by running the following code:
public void testDateFormat() {
for (Locale locale : Locale.getAvailableLocales()) {
DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale);
System.out.println(locale.toString() + ": " + formatter.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()));
but I'll save the reader some hassle and show the output:
ar: 09/08/10
ar_AE: 09/08/10
ar_BH: 09/08/10
ar_DZ: 09/08/10
ar_EG: 09/08/10
ar_IQ: 09/08/10
ar_JO: 09/08/10
ar_KW: 09/08/10
ar_LB: 09/08/10
ar_LY: 09/08/10
ar_MA: 09/08/10
ar_OM: 09/08/10
ar_QA: 09/08/10
ar_SA: 09/08/10
ar_SD: 09/08/10
ar_SY: 09/08/10
ar_TN: 09/08/10
ar_YE: 09/08/10
be: 9.8.10
be_BY: 9.8.10
bg: 10-8-9
bg_BG: 10-8-9
ca: 09/08/10
ca_ES: 09/08/10
cs: 9.8.10
cs_CZ: 9.8.10
da: 09-08-10
da_DK: 09-08-10
de: 09.08.10
de_AT: 09.08.10
de_CH: 09.08.10
de_DE: 09.08.10
de_LU: 09.08.10
el: 9/8/2010
el_CY: 09/08/2010
el_GR: 9/8/2010
en: 8/9/10
en_AU: 9/08/10
en_CA: 09/08/10
en_GB: 09/08/10
en_IE: 09/08/10
en_IN: 9/8/10
en_MT: 09/08/2010
en_NZ: 9/08/10
en_PH: 8/9/10
en_SG: 8/9/10
en_US: 8/9/10
en_ZA: 10/08/09
es: 9/08/10
es_AR: 09/08/10
es_BO: 09-08-10
es_CL: 09-08-10
es_CO: 9/08/10
es_CR: 09/08/10
es_DO: 08/09/10
es_EC: 09/08/10
es_ES: 9/08/10
es_GT: 9/08/10
es_HN: 08-09-10
es_MX: 9/08/10
es_NI: 08-09-10
es_PA: 08/09/10
es_PE: 09/08/10
es_PR: 08-09-10
es_PY: 09/08/10
es_SV: 08-09-10
es_US: 8/9/10
es_UY: 09/08/10
es_VE: 09/08/10
et: 9.08.10
et_EE: 9.08.10
fi: 9.8.2010
fi_FI: 9.8.2010
fr: 09/08/10
fr_BE: 9/08/10
fr_CA: 10-08-09
fr_CH: 09.08.10
fr_FR: 09/08/10
fr_LU: 09/08/10
ga: 10/08/09
ga_IE: 09/08/2010
hi_IN: ?/?/??
hr: 2010.08.09
hr_HR: 2010.08.09
hu: 2010.08.09.
hu_HU: 2010.08.09.
in: 10/08/09
in_ID: 09/08/10
is: 9.8.2010
is_IS: 9.8.2010
it: 09/08/10
it_CH: 09.08.10
it_IT: 09/08/10
iw: 09/08/10
iw_IL: 09/08/10
ja: 10/08/09
ja_JP: 10/08/09
ja_JP_JP: H22.08.09
ko: 10. 8. 9
ko_KR: 10. 8. 9
lt: 10.8.9
lt_LT: 10.8.9
lv: 10.9.8
lv_LV: 10.9.8
mk: 9.8.10
mk_MK: 9.8.10
ms: 10/08/09
ms_MY: 09/08/2010
mt: 09/08/2010
mt_MT: 09/08/2010
nl: 9-8-10
nl_BE: 9/08/10
nl_NL: 9-8-10
no: 09.08.10
no_NO: 09.08.10
no_NO_NY: 09.08.10
pl: 10-08-09
pl_PL: 09.08.10
pt: 09-08-2010
pt_BR: 09/08/10
pt_PT: 09-08-2010
ro: 09.08.2010
ro_RO: 09.08.2010
ru: 09.08.10
ru_RU: 09.08.10
sk: 9.8.2010
sk_SK: 9.8.2010
sl: 9.8.10
sl_SI: 9.8.10
sq: 10-08-09
sq_AL: 10-08-09
sr: 9.8.10.
sr_BA: 10-08-09
sr_CS: 9.8.10.
sr_ME: 9.8.10.
sr_RS: 9.8.10.
sv: 2010-08-09
sv_SE: 2010-08-09
th: 8/9/10
th_TH: 9/8/2553
th_TH_TH: ?/?/????
tr: 09.08.2010
tr_TR: 09.08.2010
uk: 09.08.10
uk_UA: 09.08.10
vi: 09/08/2010
vi_VN: 09/08/2010
zh: 10-8-9
zh_CN: 10-8-9
zh_HK: 10?8?9?
zh_SG: 09/08/10
zh_TW: 2010/8/9