At point (3) in my code I have defined a query called query1 in which I defined a .Where lambda expression. This query is in some way dynamic but still contains static elements, it always refers to the Type Employee and its (int) property ClientID.
Now I very much like to make the refering to the type and its property dynamic, based on the method parameters which by example are shown below point (1).
What I tried to so far is making the static part of the query defined under point (3) fully dynamic by replacing it with a more elaborate expression tree as written down in (4), (5) & (6). But when I try to add everything together it says I call .Where with wrong parameters. I don't know how to call .Where with the right parameters in order to create a fully dynamic select.
Does someone know to solve this problem? I have spent a day searching and haven't found a solution so far.
dsMain domainService = new dsMain();
//(1)i want to rewrite the following four variables to method-parameters
Type entityType = typeof(Employee);
String targetProperty = "ClientID";
Type entityProperty = typeof(Employee).GetProperty(targetProperty).PropertyType;
int idToDelete = 5;
//(2)create expression-function: idToDelete == entityType.targetProperty (in this case: Employee.ClientID)
ParameterExpression numParam = Expression.Parameter(entityProperty, targetProperty.Substring(0, 3));
ConstantExpression equalTarget = Expression.Constant(idToDelete, idToDelete.GetType());
BinaryExpression intEqualsID = Expression.Equal(numParam, equalTarget);
Expression<Func<int, bool>> lambda1 =
Expression.Lambda<Func<int, bool>>(
new ParameterExpression[] { numParam });
//(3)I want to create query1 fully dynamic, so defining Employee or an other type and its property at run time
WhereClause = lambda1.Compile();
IQueryable<Employee> employees = domainService.GetEmployees();
var query1 = employees.Where<Employee>(C => WhereClause.Invoke(C.ClientID)).Expression;
//(4)create the operand body {value(ASP.test_aspx).WhereClause.Invoke(E.ClientID)}
var operandbodyMethod = WhereClause.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke");
var operandbodyType = typeof(System.Boolean);
var operandbodyArgs1Expression = Expression.Parameter(entityType, entityType.Name.Substring(0, 1));
var operandbodyArgs1 = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(operandbodyArgs1Expression, entityType.GetMember(targetProperty)[0]);
var operandBodyObjectExp = Expression.Constant(this, this.GetType());
var operandbodyObject = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(operandBodyObjectExp, this.GetType().GetMember("WhereClause")[0]);
//(5)create the operand {E => value(ASP.test_aspx).WhereClause.Invoke(E.ClientID)}
var operandbody = Expression.Call(operandbodyObject, operandbodyMethod, operandbodyArgs1);
var operandParameter = Expression.Parameter(entityType, entityType.Name.Substring(0, 1));
var operandType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(entityType, typeof(System.Boolean));
var operand = Expression.Lambda(operandType, operandbody, new ParameterExpression[] { operandParameter });
var expressionType = typeof(Expression<>).MakeGenericType(operandType);
var completeWhereExpression = Expression.MakeUnary(ExpressionType.Quote, operand, expressionType);
//(7)the line below does not work
var query2 = employees.Where<Employee>(completeWhereExpression).Expression;
Thank you very much for reading my question! If you have questions about my question, please ask them:)