I usually have multiple copies of a project, for example: a copy of the trunk and another of the last release branch. To cleanly separate my project files from Eclipse, they are checked out from Subversion in a directory outside the Eclipse workspace.
I want to make the project easily importable to Eclipse and followed instructions from multiple answers.
The problem is that my .launch files have the project name hardcoded. When a new project is imported, the launch files will display in the Run Configurations menu just if the project has exactly the same name of the exported one. This forbids me to have two version of the same project.
It looks like the only way to do it is to have the .launch and .project files generated from an Ant task, but I don't see anyone using this solution. Maybe I should have multiple workspaces and the project always with the same name.
What's the best way to do it?
Edit: I'm marking VonC as the answer, but don't miss the comments.