




On one of the forms in my page i have some input boxes and textareas and also a flash object.

When the page loads the flash object is in focus and i can click into the textarea and input boxes and the flash object still has focus, i can tell this because i have a button in the flash that has a roll over effect and when clicking the button it opens the appropriate event.

Now the strange bug i am getting is when i scroll down the page the flash object looses focus but when i scroll back up the page it regains focus and if i scroll down again it sometimes keep focus. We thought it was a problem with the form at first when we clicked into form objects and then tried to click the flash that it would loose focus but that is not the case.

There is some solutions out there which use JavaScript to give flash focus when it looses focus but i feel that using that in a form will have side effects of the actual form objects loosing focus when a user is trying to type information in.

Has anyone had this bug or found a solution?