I have a large list of files, some of which have dates embedded in the filename. The format of the dates is inconsistent and often incomplete, e.g. "Aug06", "Aug2006", "August 2006", "08-06", "01-08-06", "2006", "011004" etc. In addition to that, some filenames have unrelated numbers that look somewhat like dates, e.g. "20202010".
In short, the dates are normally incomplete, sometimes not there, are inconsistently formatted and are embedded in a string with other information, e.g. "Report Aug06.xls".
Are there any Perl modules available which will do a decent job of guessing the date from such a string? It doesn't have to be 100% correct, as it will be verified by a human manually, but I'm trying to make things as easy as possible for that person and there are thousands of entries to check :)