I had no difficulty viewing your site in Firefox version '3.6.8' without a refresh? The slider appears to function correctly, however, with fresh eyes I did notice some things in the page source that you might wish to check, especially point 1.:
[EDIT] The JavaScript block within the 'Head' tag is missing closing semicolons (';') at the end of the first four 'var' lines:
<script type="text/javascript">
var browser = navigator.appName
var ver = navigator.appVersion
var thestart = parseFloat(ver.indexOf("MSIE"))+1
var brow_ver = parseFloat(ver.substring(thestart+4,thestart+7))
if ((browser=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (brow_ver < 7))
alert("Please Update your OLD BROWSER ,Please install Google chrome or Firefox to view the site propertly");
[EDIT] Also, it's advisable to include JavaScript in 'CDATA' or 'Character Data' sections:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Your Javascript goes here...
More info: here and here.
[EDIT] Finally, notice the variable 'brow_ver
' is declared in the script, but on the following line a variable 'browser
' is referenced?
The ‘&
’ character entity reference should be used instead of ‘&’ in the ‘title’ tag
One of the 'Meta Tags' is missing a closing '/'.
[EDIT] The conditional comment '<![if !(IE 6)]>
' should be '<!--[if !(IE 6)]>
' and '<![endif]>
' should be '<![endif]>-->
[EDIT] The UTF-8 encoding includes and encompasses all of US-ASCII characters, so in the meta tag consider using the following 'Content Encoding':
content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
instead of content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"
Also FYI: the '-' and '+' navigation buttons for the slider are not positioning correctly. Please see image reference below. This might not be apparent on your screen... try a higher resolution with the browser set to full screen to replicate it.
[EDIT] Just for others reading this... I notice you have fixed the '-' / '+' navigation positioning by using '%' instead of 'px' in the CSS. So for example:
left:90%; /* <<< Will position correctly */
instead of...
left:1025px; /* <<< Won't position correctly */
The same goes for the 'Previous' nav button.

The best of luck with the site... it looks good! :)