Hi All,
PHP 5 and I want to install PEAR so I can use Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
I dont see how to install it on my ISP nor my personal Macbook.
Thoughts for both?
Hi All,
PHP 5 and I want to install PEAR so I can use Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
I dont see how to install it on my ISP nor my personal Macbook.
Thoughts for both?
From the command line, do this:
pear install Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
You can also download the package directly here without using PEAR: http://download.pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1.tgz. It's pretty easy to use if you have the script located anywhere within your include path.
You can't install pear to your isp's core. But you can install the individual files from pear's site and upload them to your host:
For your personal computer, using the "pear" script that ships with most PHP distributions is a good idea.
For shared hosting, you can
You should also have a look at "pear help" and "pear help install".
The PEAR Manual has a quite extensive list of instructions on how to install the PEAR manager on Windows, *NIX and Mac OS X. The manual also has a section on installing PEAR remotely, for example using FTP. Following those instructions, you should be able to install PEAR (nearly) anywhere. :)