I'm trying to write a Delphi function that returns a TList<TMyType>
But I see that Result := tlist_instance
doesn't work.
What's the function to do my work?
I'm sorry i made an incredible error.
Result := TList<Something>.Create
works perfectly.
I'm very sorry.
Christian Cabizza
2010-08-10 10:54:10
I think that you should be able to delete the question.
Andreas Rejbrand
2010-08-10 11:37:21
@Christian Cabizza: +1 You can use the upvotes :) and it happens to all of us, you struggle with some code for hours, finally post a question , look at your code some more, and suddenly find the answer.
2010-08-10 11:38:00
Yes, I have posted a few really stupid questions myself... Unfortunately, after a while you cannot delete them, even though no one could possibly benefit from the information...
Andreas Rejbrand
2010-08-10 11:39:59
If you really want to delete it, you'd better do it fast. There's some threshold beyond which a question can have "too many" answers, and it cannot be deleted anymore.
Rob Kennedy
2010-08-10 13:40:14
Too late... it already has too comments!
Christian Cabizza
2010-08-10 14:02:28