I have a TObjectList with OwnsObjects = true. It contains quite a few objects. Now I want to remove the object at index Idx from that list, without freeing it.
Is the Extract method the only option?
ExtractedObject := TheList.Extract(TheList[Idx]);
All other methods seem to free the object. I am looking for something a little bit more...
Hello, I am migrating an application written in Delphi 2007 to Delphi Prism, which is the best option to replace the TList class?
Thanks in advance.
I have a TList which stores some objects. Now I have a function which does some operations on that list:
function SomeFunct(const AIndex: integer): IInterface
if (AIndex > -1) and (AIndex < fMgr.Windows.Count ) then
if (fMgr.Windows[AIndex] <> nil) then
if not Supports(TForm(fMgr.Windows[AIndex...
I'm trying to write a Delphi function that returns a TList<TMyType> object.
But I see that Result := tlist_instance doesn't work.
What's the function to do my work?
I have a number of Typed TLists which I am having problems getting to sort
Normally, for an untyped TList, I would have a function such as:
function SortByJob(Item1: Pointer; Item2: Pointer): Integer;
p1, p2: JobPointer;
p1 := JobPointer(Item1);
p2 := JobPointer(Item2);
if p1.job > p2.job then
Result := 1
Hi all,
I'm using Delphi 9's TDictionary generic class. My TDictionary looks like this:
g_FileHandlers : TDictionary<String, TList<String>>;
And, so I initialize the TDictionary like so:
g_FileHandlers := TDictionary<String, TList<String>>.Create;
I have a TList, that I'm also initializing, so that I can use it to populate the TDi...