



PHP has a great downloadable reference - since there's nothing similar for HTML I'm looking for a great HTML book that describes each element one by one .. almost like a specification for HTML, but written in simple terms that an entry-level programmer could figure out and learn from.

Now don't give me the W3C HTML spec since that's far to complex for everyday usage :)


The 4.01 spec was published in a multi-page format. While the specs are not what you want, and while it is not the most current spec, it does have separate indices on the elements and attributes that can serve well as a cheat-sheet. And of course it links to the spec for those times when a mere cheat-sheet is not sufficient.

Jon Hanna
The HTML4 spec ain't that bad to read, compared to some. It certainly has fewer errors than w3schools.

It's online, but how about the w3schools HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference

All the HTML tags with a brief description, and you can click each tag to obtain further information.

Seriously? for reference?They have some great stuff for getting to grips with something, but they're not reliable enough for code being used for real (esp. since the code you have to look up in a reference is precisely that most likely to have some obscure case where the minor errors in w3schools causes problems). As the site itself says, it's really suitable for training purposes only.
Jon Hanna
@Jon - But that's exactly what the question asker wants, something that "an entry-level programmer could figure out and learn from".
They said a reference though, implying it's while they are working on something, not as something to actually read through.They also said they wanted something different to the entire spec, which any entry-level programmer could learn from, so they can't mean something to read through.
Jon Hanna