i have an HTML, that should be transformed, having some tags replaced with another tags.
I don't know about these tags, because they will come from db. So, "set_attribute" or "name" methods of Nokogiri are not suiteable for me
I need to do it, in a way, like in this pseudo-code:
def preprocess_content
doc = Nokogiri::HTML( self.content )
doc.css("div.to-replace").each do |div|
# "get_html_text" will obtain HTML from db. It can be anything, even another tags, tag groups etc.
div.replace self.get_html_text
self.content = doc.css("body").first.inner_html
I found "Nokogiri::XML::Node::replace" method. I think, it is a right direction.
This method expects some "node_or_tags" parameter.
Which method should i use to create a new Node from text and replace the current one with it ?