I currently have a not-yet-released, prototype version of Nagare for GAE (you can see the canonical Counter example at http://nagareproject.appspot.com/)
Here are the 3 Nagare components not working on GAE, with their workarounds in this prototype:
Stackless Python:
- Problem: GAE is only pure vanilla CPython
- Solution: well, use only pure Python
- Limitation: in Nagare, Stackless Python is used to obtain continuation objects. Without Stackless, we lose the call()/answer() feature of Nagare. But note that call()/on_answer() is still working.
- Problem: C module not accepted on GAE
- Solution: HTML generation rewrote using only ElementTree
- Limitation: no more advance Lxml features like XSL or complex XPATH expressions
- Problem: standard AST tree management removed on GAE
- Solution: rules management for HTML/JS generation rewrote
- Limitation: the security and URL dispatch rules must be written by the developer without the help of generic methods
So, this version of Nagare is pretty much working fine on GAE. And I dare to say that, even with these limitations, Nagare still stay on GAE a better programming environement than the others Python frameworks.
If you want to test it, send a message in the Nagare users group or send me a personal mail to alain.poirier at net-ng.com