




I am having a web app which needs to cache a notes ldap. For that the IT installed Openldap which will be queried from the web app. Basically OpenLdap Proxy. now CN=My User, O=Corp comes over as cn=My User, o=Corp... (notice the case CN vs. cn, etc)

Can I adjust something in slapd.conf that tells my mapping to be case-sensitive?


These are case-insensitive by design, according to the specification, see RFC 4514 and RFC 4512, more specifically, section 1.4:

Short names, also known as descriptors, are used as more readable aliases for object identifiers. Short names are case insensitive and conform to the ABNF:

  descr = keystring

It's not clear what you're trying to do with your application, but libraries that handle such distinguished names should be able to handle that in theory.

Will look into the app =)...thanks
server info