Hello I installed a CVS server today. I installed cvs server using sudo apt-get install cvsd. Now the folder where everything is stored is /var/lib/cvsd/cvsrepo/test. Folder test contains a dummy text file by the name check.txt, which would prove everything works fine.
My CVSROOT on the client machine is ":pserver:username@localhost:/cvsrepo". When I do a cvs login, it asks me for a password, and authenticates me well. Then I do a cvs checkout, "cvs checkout test". test folder is the module, while cvsrepo is the repository. When I download test first I get the message "cvs checkout: Updating testFolder" and then a folder by the name test is created, but it does not have the dummy file, check.txt in the client machine. A checkout only is creating a folder CVS which contains the Entries, Repository and Root folders?? Why isn't the text file being downloaded??