While not trivial to use (you need to understand the format of a Portable Executable, aka PE, file), pefile seems a good, powerful and versatile tool for the purpose of viewing a DLL or any other PE file (I wouldn't risk using it to change such a file, although I see it's one of its features).
For example, excerpting the module's usage examples (and editing to show a dll instead of the equally hypothetical filename they use, which is an exe;-):
import pefile
pe = pefile.PE(‘/path/to/pefile.dll’)
for exp in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols:
print hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + exp.address), exp.name, exp.ordinal
should, according to the wikipage I pointed to, display something like:
0x7ca0ab4f SHUpdateRecycleBinIcon 336
0x7cab44c0 SHValidateUNC 173
0x7ca7b0aa SheChangeDirA 337
0x7ca7b665 SheChangeDirExA 338
0x7ca7b3e1 SheChangeDirExW 339
0x7ca7aec6 SheChangeDirW 340
0x7ca8baae SheConvertPathW 341