Most of the example codes on the internet use either access97 or 2000 format database.In a database creation code it was mentioned that if Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=4 is used the database created is access 97 format and if Type=5 than access 2000 format.But when i create a database with code using type=4 or even with the visual data manager, the format created is access 95(as shown when opened with MS access 2003).What things do I need to check to create Access 97 format database? Please help!
This isn't an artefact of opening it in MS Access 2003? Sources do indeed seem to indicate engine type 4 is correct for Access 97.
Edit: apparently, Engine Type 4 is valid for both Access 95/97. I'll have another look.
Edit 2: What JET version are you using? 3.0 is associated with an Access 95 db, 3.5(1) with 97.
2010-08-11 06:15:46
"3.0 is associated with an Access 95 db" -- are you sure? My re colletion is that the Jet database format didn't change between Access95 and Access97 and that both are 'associated' with Jet 3.51.
2010-08-11 07:34:24
I got background info from wikipedia for the answer:
2010-08-11 07:41:28
To create the database I use the following code : Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog sConStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=4;" cat.Create sConStr
Dario Dias
2010-08-11 11:43:02
And you've tried with the indicted JET version as well?
2010-08-11 12:37:33
if Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 is less than 4.0 i.e 3.50 or 3.51 then the error is couldn't find installable ISAM
Dario Dias
2010-08-12 06:07:49
Going by memory here, but I can imagine you'd indeed need supporting components. Does MDAC help you out here?
2010-08-12 07:14:18