While this may be a lengthy and painful method, it may very well be worth your while writing a function that you can keep forever more, maybe this can point you in the right direction:
function myCodes($in, $type){
$out = "";
$long = array('portugal', 'united kingdom');
$short = array('pt', 'uk');
$in = strtolower(trim($in));
case 'long':$out = str_replace($short, $long, $in);break;
case 'short':$out = str_replace($long, $short, $in);break;
echo $out;
echo myCodes('United Kingdom', 'short'); //this will echo 'uk'
echo myCodes('UK', 'long'); //this will echo 'united kingdom'
This will of course have a few drawbacks such as making sure that the arrays for long and short match up position wise, and you'll need to maintain the function as well.