




when i see the avaliable commands on the karaf console.there is no "features:" commands. Are their only osgi bundles in 4.2 or did i download sumthing else


thank you for the answer but it did not work. i downloaded the 66.54 mb zip file meant for windows. and on running the servicemix.bat the following error's prop up before the servicemix logo. any help will be appreciated

Bundle listed in startup.properties configuration not found: org/apache/felix/karaf/deployer/org.apache.felix.karaf.deployer.features/1.4.0-fuse-02-00/org.apache.felix Bundle listed in startup.properties configuration not found: org/apache/felix/karaf/deployer/org.apache.felix.karaf.deployer.blueprint/1.4.0-fuse-02-00/org.apache.feli Bundle listed in startup.properties configuration not found: org/apache/felix/karaf/features/org.apache.felix.karaf.features.management/1.4.0-fuse-02-00/org.apache.fel Bundle listed in startup.properties configuration not found: org/apache/felix/karaf/features/org.apache.felix.karaf.features.command/1.4.0-fuse-02-00/org.apache.felix. Bundle listed in startup.properties configuration not found: org/apache/felix/karaf/admin/org.apache.felix.karaf.admin.management/1.4.0-fuse-02-00/org.apache.felix.kar Bundle listed in startup.properties configuration not found: org/apache/felix/karaf/deployer/org.apache.felix.karaf.deployer.spring/1.4.0-fuse-02-00/org.apache.felix.k


The feature commands are there. Start typing 'feat' and than press tab

karaf@root> features:

features:addUrl        features:install       features:list          features:listUrl       features:refreshUrl
features:removeUrl     features:uninstall


Also ensure that you unzipped/untared the archiv properly. The first feature mentioned in your list shoudl be located here (the others analog):


Maybe something went wrong with unpacking the archive.


Also maybe your etc/startup.properties file might be corrupt. In my version no


bundle (the first in your error list) is mentioned but


which can be found on the path I mentioned in my first edit.

K. Claszen
thanks for your answer..did not seee the edit parts till now :)...just using the fuse 4.3..everything works fine now.Except for the activeMQ web console..and error's while installling some URL's using features:install..wish there was a comprehensive article on how to setup...the one on the fuse site is very basic