I am starting to develop an Eclipse plugin (technically, an OSGi plugin) and one of the first problems I've run into is that I can't seem to control the commons-logging output as I normally would.
I've included the commons-logging package in the plugin dependencies, and indeed, when I log something (at INFO or higher severity) it is logged to the console. However, I can't seem to log at any lower level (such as DEBUG or TRACE).
I have specified a log4j.properties file, and it is on the classpath (for the runtime, just as the commons-logging package is) but none of the settings in that properties file have any impact on the behavior of the logger.
Here's the log4j.properties file:
# Log4j Logging levels, in order of decreasing importance are:
# Root logger option
# Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %r (%l) %t%n - %m%n
What do I need to do so that I can actually control the output of the logger?
Here are some sample output messages, in the hopes that the formatting may coincide with a default for java.util.logging, or provide other hints to someone:
Oct 21, 2008 11:01:23 PM com.stottlerhenke.sentinel.client.Activator start
SEVERE: fatal_message
Oct 21, 2008 11:01:23 PM com.stottlerhenke.sentinel.client.Activator start
WARNING: warn_message
Oct 21, 2008 11:01:23 PM com.stottlerhenke.sentinel.client.Activator start
INFO: info_message
I have now tried various combinations of:
- org.osgi.service.log.LogService et al.
- slf4j
- Log4J
- Commons-logging
- java.util.logging
and I can only get DEBUG, or lower, level messages to appear if I am running OSGi manually from a prompt (which is impractical for what I am developing). Furthermore, I can't effect any other type of logging configuration via various properties files. Everything I try in that regard seems to be overridden by an eclipse setting.
I've also tried putting various config files for the above libraries in numerous places, including as plug-in fragments attached to their respective libraries as suggested here, and still, the same result happens.
I've implemented a custom LogListener, and traced the entire path of a log message (as well as I know how, anyway) with System.out.println's, and debug messages are present right up until they are output by whatever underlying logging API I'm using, then they disappear.