



Are there any standards (HTML, UI, accessibility, and such like) that stipulate that one of the radio buttons in a given group of radio buttons should be selected at all times?

I have encountered a business requirement whereby I have been asked that both radio buttons in a group be left unchecked, and then to have logic forcing the user to select one before they can continue.

While I know how to achieve this, it felt wrong, and I intimated as such, but was looking for guidelines that stipulate this more explicitly so I can feed this into our own standards.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.


There are not. You can do this by using javascript (jQuery is an option).

Bang Dao
+2  A: 

Anytime you're overriding a default browser behaviour you're creating uncertainty for the user. Furthermore, on average, when there are two options there is a 50% chance that the pre-selected one will be correct. Forcing the user to select it just slows them down on the assumption they're either blind or clueless.

I would personally find the concept insulting - but then I'm not a manager.

think of it this way: male, female, at least 50% of your audience dont have to click... :)
And the other 50% will be annoyed that the other option is considered the default. (I follow the general argument, but there are sticky issues that need resolving in the relevant problem domain."
Great answer, thanks.
James Wiseman
+3  A: 


Short and to the point, but exactly what I was after. Accepted answer because it links to the formal standard, which I can reference. Apologies to everyone else, though all helpful are voted up.
James Wiseman
+2  A: 

I was going to say I read something in the past by Jakob Neilson, but heck, I found it: PS. personally I ALWAYS have one selected by default, and so for select boxes, but what happens is in legal terms and conditions, lawyers are afraaaaid, of course, you feed the cat to your dog you will always be afraid of the kittens :

Always offer a default selection for radio button lists. By definition, radio buttons always have exactly one option selected, and you therefore shouldn't display them without a default selection. (Checkboxes, in contrast, often default to having none of the options selected.) ◦If users might need to refrain from making a selection, you should provide a radio button for this choice, such as one labeled "None." Offering users an explicit, neutral option to click is better than requiring the implicit act of not selecting from the list, especially because

Great answer, thanks. Interesting Article
James Wiseman