



My application was working fine, I dont know what happened suddenly image upload function stoped functioning.It gives this error-

URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in D:\Hosting\6448289\html\upload.php on line 112

for any file access allow_url_fopen must be ON but this is OFF now. if you open this link -

you can see that allow_url_fopen is OFF. My hosting compny is How and Where I can access php.ini file of my project so that I can set it ON or is there any php commands that can be run to set this permission ON.Please suggest.


You will probably have a custom php.ini or php5.ini file somewhere in your account. Launch your FTP client and find it.

Found via Google:

Álvaro G. Vicario
no its not there I have searched.Can I upload my localhost php.ini file to my ftp account.But where shoul I copy that.
Have you read the links I provided? Have you tried the `phpinfo()` trick described in the second one?
Álvaro G. Vicario