




hi all

I have the following file: (example.txt showing down)

I need to edit the file , the main issue is to append text between two known lines in the file


second_line="NIC Hr_Nic ("

For example

Need to add the following:

    haattr -add RVG StorageRVG -string
    haattr -add RVG StorageDG -string
    haattr -add RVG StorageHostIds -string
    haattr -delete RVG Primary
    haattr -delete RVG SRL
    haattr -delete RVG RLinks


The first match line ")"

And the

second match line "NIC Hr_Nic ("

As described in example.txt file

How to do this by sed ... (If its difficult by sed it can also possible with perl)

remark (sed need to get two arguments the first argument is the first match line (first_line arg) the second argument is the second match line (second_line arg)

example.txt file:

    group Hr_Grp (
    SystemList = { london1 = 0, london2 = 1 }
    AutoStartList = { london1, london2 }

    NIC Hr_Nic (
            Device = qfe0

    IP Hr_Ip(
            Device = qfe0
            Address = ""         // Virtual IP

    DiskGroup Hr_Dg(
            DiskGroup = hrdg

    RVG Hr_Rvg (
            RVG = hr_rvg
            DiskGroup = hrdg

    Hr_Rvg requires Hr_Dg
    Hr_Rvg requires Hr_Ip
    Hr_Ip requires Hr_Nic

Example of the file after sed edit:

    group Hr_Grp (
    SystemList = { london1 = 0, london2 = 1 }
    AutoStartList = { london1, london2 }

    haattr -add RVG StorageRVG -string
    haattr -add RVG StorageDG -string
    haattr -add RVG StorageHostIds -string
    haattr -delete RVG Primary
    haattr -delete RVG SRL
    haattr -delete RVG RLinks

    NIC Hr_Nic (
            Device = qfe0

    IP Hr_Ip(
            Device = qfe0
            Address = ""         // Virtual IP

    DiskGroup Hr_Dg(
            DiskGroup = hrdg

    RVG Hr_Rvg (
            RVG = hr_rvg
            DiskGroup = hrdg

    Hr_Rvg requires Hr_Dg
    Hr_Rvg requires Hr_Ip
    Hr_Ip requires Hr_Nic

Give this a try:

sed -e '/[[:blank:]]*)[[:blank:]]*/{:a;n;/NIC Hr_Nic (/i\' -e "$text" -e 'ba}'

I'm using i for insert and a variable since the r (read file) command does an append after the current line. You can also set the variable like this:

read -d '' -r text<<EOF
haattr -add RVG StorageRVG -string
haattr -add RVG StorageDG -string


text="haattr -add RVG StorageRVG -string
haattr -add RVG StorageDG -string
Dennis Williamson