



I have the following working TSQL query in ms SQL 2008

    COUNT(click) AS clicks,
    COUNT(sale) AS sales,
    count(lead) as leads
SELECT ClickDate as date ,ID AS click ,CAST(NULL AS int) AS  sale , CAST(null as int) as lead
FROM clicks


SELECT Date,null, ID ,NULL
FROM sales


SELECT Date,null, NULL ,ID
FROM leads

) t

How would i convert this to LINQ to SQL? I wrote this LINQ but it doesn't work.

public class mydata
    public DateTime date { get; set; }
    public int? click { get; set; }
    public int? sale { get; set; }
    public int? lead { get; set; }

var clicks = from c in Clicks
             select new mydata
                 date = c.ClickDate, click = c.ID,  sale = null, lead = null

var sales = from s in Sales
            select new mydata
                 date = s.Date, click = null, sale = s.ID, lead = null

var leads = from l in Leads
            select new mydata
                date = l.Date, click = null, sale = null, lead = l.ID

var v = clicks.Concat(sales).Concat(leads);

var res = from x in v
       group x by into xg
       select new
                 date = xg.Key, clicks = xg.Count(z => != null)

How do i correct this LINQ query?

Update: i Modified the LINQ query based on David B recommendation.

i'm still getting the following error: "All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists."


The problem is that the anonymous types in the projections are not identical... ID is int in one and Nullable<int> in another.

Instead of using an anonymous type in your projections, use this:

public class ConcatTarget
  public DateTime TheDate {get;set;}
  public int? ID {get;set;}
  public string sale {get;set;}
  public string lead {get;set;}

Even though no instances are actually constructed, LinqToSql uses the class's shape to translate the query.

As for Count, perhaps you meant .Count(x => x.Prop != null) ?

Ok, apparently you've hit upon a buggy translation behavior as described here.

What's happening is the sql translator sees the null assignments, and throws them away. This causes an incorrect number of sql columns to be selected between the sets.

Here's a possible workaround:

int? myNull = null;

var clicks =
  from c in Clicks 
  select new mydata 
    date = c.ClickDate,
    click = c.ID,
    sale = c.ID + myNull,
    lead = myNull + c.ID  //note - expressions must be unique

The basic idea is to create unique expressions the query translator can't throw away. This is harder than it sounds (above is my ninth attempt).

Here's the other two tables:

var sales = from s in Sales 
        select new mydata 
             date = s.Date,
             click = s.ID + myNull,
             sale = s.ID,
             lead = myNull + s.ID

var leads = from l in Leads 
        select new mydata 
            date = l.Date,
            click = l.ID + myNull,
            sale = myNull + l.ID,
            lead = l.ID 

If you had more than 2 columns-to-be-nulled, you could resort to subtraction, division, multiplication, etc.

David B
thx for the help , i tried to do this , you can see my updated code above , im still getting a error.
Yes , i saw that the query is translated in the wrong way.I tried your solution but i'm not sure i understand how to apply it to the rest of the tables(sales , leads..). Wow this is harder than i thought.

David's correct about the first two issues. For your final problem (3), Count() does not work like it does in SQL. It expects a predicate that returns a bool. Your using it with ints (i.e., z.sales, etc.)

Kirk Woll