



How can one enable/achieve XML comments for C++ methods ala C# and VB in Visual Studio 2010? It appears this functionality isn't enabled/available by default.

Targeting initially managed C++ projects.


Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Output Files -> Generate XML Documentation Files.

You will have to manually add all your xml documentation (/// doesn't auto-create a summary template for you). Also doesn't support paramref.

Joel Rondeau
@Joel: thanks for this answer. I guess the root of the question was whether VS actuall can auto-create that template when typing the triple slash in a C++ code file.
@p.campbell: You could try something like QuickCode, although I don't know if they have a VS2010 plugin. They do have a 2005 and 2008 plugin that might just work. From what I understand, code snippets don't work in C++, but QuickCode does.
Joel Rondeau