




The first time you run cpan from the command line, you are prompted for answers to various questions. How do you automate cpan and install modules non-interactively from the beginning?

+2  A: 

One way is to take the CPAN/Config.pm (or ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm) created after one run from one system, and install it as ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm on the system you want to automate. Another way is to run the following to create the MyConfig.pm file for you (one thing missing below is the actual values for the urllist parameter which you will have to fill in with appropriate values for CPAN mirrors):


use strict;
use Config;


# get the path to the library
my $libpath = $Config{privlib};

# force CPAN::FirstTime to not default to manual
# setup, since initial CPAN setup needs to be automated
  local @ARGV = "$libpath/CPAN/FirstTime.pm";
  my @source = <>;
  $source[72] =~ s/\byes\b/no/ or die "Could not auto configure CPAN";
  eval join('', @source) or die "Error executing CPAN::FirstTime: $@";


delete $CPAN::Config->{links};
$CPAN::Config->{auto_commit} = '0';
$CPAN::Config->{check_sigs} = '0';
$CPAN::Config->{halt_on_failure} = '0';
$CPAN::Config->{make_install_make_command} = '/usr/bin/make';
$CPAN::Config->{mbuild_arg} = '';
$CPAN::Config->{mbuildpl_arg} = '';
$CPAN::Config->{mbuild_install_arg} = '';
$CPAN::Config->{show_upload_date} = '';
$CPAN::Config->{tar_verbosity} = '1';
$CPAN::Config->{trust_test_report_history} = '0';
$CPAN::Config->{use_sqlite} = '0';
$CPAN::Config->{yaml_load_code} = '0';
  = [qw(http://... ftp://... etc...)];
$CPAN::Config->{connect_to_internet_ok} = '1';
$CPAN::Config->{perl5lib_verbosity}     = 'v';
$CPAN::Config->{prefer_installer}       = 'MB';
$CPAN::Config->{build_requires_install_policy} = 'no';
$CPAN::Config->{term_ornaments}         = '1';
$CPAN::Config->{mbuild_install_build_command} = './Build';

mkdir ".cpan/CPAN" or die "Can't create .cpan/CPAN: $!";

# etc.

exit 0;

In principle, you can set PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT and the CPAN module should leave you alone.

PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl -MCPAN -e 'install Some::Module'

See question 13 of the CPAN FAQ.

That still doesn't account for prompts during the first time run. And that's (from the FAQ) "assuming the modules you are installing are nice about obeying that variable" which, e.g., Term::Readline::Perl is not. I'm including all relevant env variables in my script as I come across them.
@runrig - Yes, it absolutely does account for prompts during the first run. And any possible solution to this problem depends on the modules behaving well -- being able to determine a default value in some way other than bothering the user.
+5  A: 

Since it hasn't been mentioned yet, cpanminus is a zero-conf cpan installer. And you can download a self-contained executable if it isn't available for your version control.

The cpanm executable is easily installed (as documented in the executable itself) with:

curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --self-upgrade
# or
wget -O - http://cpanmin.us | perl - --self-upgrade
I think I am sold on cpanminus :-)
+4  A: 

Make your own CPAN.pm config file. The recent versions of the cpan command have a -J switch to dump the current config and a -j switch to load whatever config you like.

brian d foy
Thanks. I did not know about -j and -J
+3  A: 

Recent versions of CPAN.pm ask as first question whether the rest of the configuration should be run automatically, so it is advisable to upgrade CPAN.pm (manually) first: tarballs, repo.
