



I am trying to use the SDK's DDMS utility to capture screens off my Droid X.

I have installed the Java JDK and the Android SDK. I set up the USB driver on my Windows laptop and connected my Droid X to the USB port. Windows XP can see the Droid just fine in Windows Explorer as a removable USB device, but the DDMS utility shows no devices.

Running "adb devices" in a DOS window lists no devices either.

Yes, the java.exe location has been added to my PATH. Yes, the Droid is set to allow USB debugging.

So why can't DDMS see my phone?


ddms should see your phone, It does with my nexus on windows xp. Have you tried restarting the ADB? sometimes I have to restart it 3 or 4 times before getting it to work. And when I have the emulator or Eclipse open at the same time, It is sometimes even worse. Try "adb kill-server" and "adb start-server" to see if it make any difference...


I had a similar problem. It was resolved by manual installation of drivers from android-sdk-windows\usb_driver
