




I am trying to learn winpdb to debug django scripts. I have a very simply django web site that runs find if I start it from the command line, but when I try to launch it from winpdb it gives me this error message:

RPDB2 - The Remote Python Debugger, version RPDB_2_4_6,
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Nir Aides.
Type "help", "copyright", "license", "credits" for more information.

*** NEW: Use CTRL-N for auto completion in the following commands: launch,
*** eval and exec.
*** Password has been set to a random password.
*** Starting debuggee...
*** Command returned the following error:
*** <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>, CTimeoutHTTP instance has no
*** attribute 'getresponse'.
*** Please check stderr for stack trace and report to support.
*** Failed to find script.

I don't even know where to start fixing this. It CTimeoutHTTP looks like an MFC thing. I installed wxpython with the ANSI version, then when it complained, I installed the unicode version (without removing the ANSI version.) That is the only unusual thing I can think of. Any help would be appreciated.

I should say, running on Windows XP.


This seems to be a bug with rpdb2 in Python 2.7. Try downloading Python 2.6 and running winpdb against that. You'll need the appropriate wxPython library and you'll need to re-run:

python setup.py install -f

to install winpdb.


Fixed in Winpdb 1.4.8


I also had this exact same error. I upgraded from Winpdb 1.4.6 to 1.4.8 as suggested by nir above and no longer see it (can't vote his answer up as I'm a new user).